
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer.
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Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

1        2              3   
4                 5      
 12       13               
       14   15             
            16      17     
     18             19     


1. Joins front and back cinch.
4. African grass
6. Three beats
7. Finishing brush
9. Back of the saddle
10. Briddle band
12. Horse under six months old
13. Nose band
14. You wrap your rope around this saddle part
16. Growth on fetlock
18. Approximately six m.p.h.
19. a sweet treat
20. Both english and western


2. Briddle latch
3. Female horse over 4 yrs.old
4. Heavenly body
5. Large face marking
8. One of two locks a horse has
9. A horse part and color
11. A redish brown quarter horse
15. horsemans favorite grain
17. horses fly swater