Walk GallopHand gallopSitting trotJog
Bay SorrelChestnutDunBuckskin
Stirrups Stirrup ironsStirrup keeperStirrup safety barStirrup holder
Nose piece Brow bandCavessonCrown pieceReins
Knee AnkleCalfHeelToes
Away IntoForwardBackwardsJumps
On the pommel. On the cantle.On the withers.On the mane.On the seat.
The inside of the arena. The outside of the arena.The rail.Towards the letter A.Towards the letter C.
Above the ankle. Right at the ankle bone.Just below the point of the ankle.Between your ankle and the bottom of yor foot.At the bottom of your foot.
Cavesson Brow bandCheek pieceReinsThroat latch