Green horses Young horsesOld horsesWell trained horsesProblem horses
10 lbs. 2 lbs.5 lbs.8 lbs.25 lbs.
the mouth of the bit. the upper half of the bit.the lead.the cheeks.the lower half of the bit.
On the nose. On the cheek bones.On the fetlock.In the Mouth.One inch below the cheek bones.
Loping on its Left lead. Cantering on its right lead.Troting.Joging.Galloping on its right lead.
It looks pretty. It increases salivation.It is more durable.It is cheaper.It is more comfortable.
A pony. A draft.A large horse.An Arabian.An average horse.
To attach the reins. to attach the briddle.So it can not be pulled through the mouth.For decoration.So you can attach the reins and headstall to the bit.
Fall out of your horses mouth. Pinch your horses mouth.Hit your horses teeth.Pull through your horses mouth.All of the above