Riding Home
Lesson Information:

Study 15 minutes a day and you
find that you will fly through the levels.
Students are required to come
10 minutes early to class. As students advance they will be
required to come to class even earlier. Starting level 4 they
will need to set up obstacles the arena.
Parents/riders will be required
to sign a liability form.
Come dressed properly - i.e.
jacket, shoes, see dress code below.
Parents (if app.) need to read
throughout the study book - i.e. rules, level, dress code and
You will receive the next level
booklet upon successful completion of the previous level.
Replacement of the study book
is $10.00 for the 1st level and $5.00 for each level after.
This will help cover the cost of printing.
Please call if you are not
coming to class.
Make up
classes are for actively enrolled students only.
Lessons are held in all weather conditions, including
are required to be 10 minuets early to your lessons. If you are 5 minutes or later for your lesson and are in
levels 1 or 2 you will have to reschedule. NO EXCEPTIONS
Always be aware that lessons may run over the allotted time.
Late starts
- please understand that late starts may occur due to the
nature of the business.
All students are required to clean up after themselves and their
horses. For example if the horse goes to the bathroom in the grooming
area it is the students’ responsibility to clean it up
Spectators, this includes PARENTS, are not allowed in the areas where
students and horses are working, such as the arena and grooming areas
or cross ties.
Students that are improperly dressed for riding or weather conditions
will not be able to ride.
must not interfere in lesson by distracting student.
In cold weather the bit must always be warmed.
Bits are to be thoroughly cleaned after each and every use.
Jackets, coats and sweatshirts are to be zipped or buttoned while
riding; never take any type of outer garment off while mounted.
Students will be required to ride different
horses depending on
availability, students’ skill level and lesson topic.
After level 1 a student should only use the crop behind the cinch.
Dress Code:
Wear long pants when riding, closed toed shoes with a heel
(boots), avoid wearing 1/2 shirts or loose fitting clothes and no pony
tails under helmets. Avoid dark color clothes during the summer time.
Special riding helmets are provided, however if you would like to
purchase a helmet of your own you can find them sold at our local
stores, please make sure there are certified.
Do not wear SHORTS, capris, gauchos or dangling jewelry.
Optional: Gloves, sun glasses and chaps are recommended to protect the
rider’s skin and eyes.
Clothing Stores:
Boot Barn in Temecula, CA has a large stock of Riding Apparel.
Beginner Riding Packages-
Some include everything and some packages you will have to buy pants
New rider packages from state line tack
Adults New Rider Essentials SmartPakEquine.com
Here are some storses that can be very reasonability
Horse.com , State
line Tack and
To Pass Levels:
pass at their own rate." This means that a student
can go though the Equine program as slowly or as quickly as their
ability allows.
Students who feel they are ready to pass a level should always
pretest before taking their test. Pretests will help the student know
if they are ready to pass.
Students need to ask their instructor if they can pretest or test
before the lesson begins.
Be prepared that pretests and tests may take longer.
To pass a level a student will need a score of 90% or higher. Each level is divided into 5 sections with letters defining each task.
Letters are worth 5 points.
You may not test on the same horse more then two times in a row. For
example Sam rode Bunny for level 3 and 4 tests and now she has to
test different horse for level 5.
Pretest and test can be done orally, if needed.
For students that have disabilities we will brake up a pretest and
test into different lesson days, if needed.
A student may not miss all of a letter's all 5 points and pass.
No one fails a test we just turn it in to a pretest and go over the
components that need to be studied.
Arena Rules:
Ring/riding arena rules are the standards by which a rider conducts
him/herself when riding in company in a riding ring, whether showing or
during instruction. A well-mannered rider is aware that the practice of
these rules is a safety factor for others in the ring/riding arena.
1. When under an instructor’s supervision, it is important to obey that
instructor at all times. The instructor can see potential danger and
eliminate it before a student is even aware of what is going on. The
instructor knows his/her horses so well that he/she can almost
anticipate their actions. Thus, when an instructor gives a seemingly
senseless command, the student should obey without question. An
explanation from the instructor will generally follow.
2. Always keep at least a two horse distance between horses. This will
eliminate any fighting that otherwise might develop.
3. Always ride in the same direction as others unless otherwise
directed. This eliminates confusion.
4. Always ride your own horse; do not tell others what to do. This is
annoying to everyone concerned. The instructor is aware of what is
happening, and if he/she feels correction is required, he/she will take
care of the matter.
5. Everyone should come to a complete halt if a rider falls off his/her
horse. This will calm the loose horse, making him easier to catch, and
will eliminate the danger of another horse stepping on the fallen rider.
6. The horse should be walked the first ten minutes to warm him up, and
the last ten minutes to cool him out.
7. Always walk the horse in the ring unless otherwise instructed when
under instructor’s supervision.
8. Let other riders know when you are approaching and preparing to
pass. This will enable them to be prepared to control their horses in
case they speed up or kick.
9. Do not use vocal signals to your horse when passing as the horse
being passed may think they are meant for him.
10. One should pass another horse and rider to the inside of the ring.
Those not passing should ride as close to the rail as possible.
11. When passing, leave a two horse distance between horses to prevent
12. Do not cut another horse and rider off when passing
13. The main gate should always be closed when mounting and
14. When riding in opposite directions always pass left shoulder to
left shoulder.
15. All lessons are required to wear a helmet when riding.
16. When opening and closing the arena gate announce “gate open!”.
This will prevent a horse from trying to exit the arena.
17. When opening and closing the arena gate always keep one hand on the
gate at all times. This will prevent the gate from swinging out and
hitting the horse.
1. No smoking: no smoking anywhere.
2. No shouting: speak in a normal tone of voice. Shouting is
annoying to horses and has no place in the stable.
3. No running: do not run in stable or around the horses.
4. No gum: no chewing gum when riding or around the stable.
5. No standing behind tethered horses.
6. No riding in or out of the barn.
7. No one may play or be around the haystack.
8. No rock throwing.
9. All students are required to wear a helmet when riding.
10. Any guest riding or handling a horse must sign a liability waiver.
(available on our web site)
11. Never enter a stall or take a horse without permission of the
12. Do not feed horses or chickens without permission. Do not
feed academy horses by hand.
13. Children should never be left unattended. There are many
potential dangers around the stable.
14. Do not litter.
15. No dogs.
16. Do not chase the chickens or try to pet them.
Rainy and Muddy Day Lessons:
Note: In 2007 we have had 1 muddy or Rainy day
Since we hold lessons in all weather, includes rainy
and muddy days here are some great things to remember.
Please dress as though you are going to ride. You
never know what activities we will have planed or we maybe even be
able to ride.
Dress in layers.
If you choose to do a make
up class instead of coming to a muddy or rainy day lesson you
may find that you have missed out on not just a whole lot of fun but
components in your level.
Muddy and rainy day activates may include:
Painting horse parts on a real horse.
Learning safety knots
Horse Jeopardy
And the list goes on, and on.
If you have an idea for a muddy or a rainy day
activity e-mail me!
Rainy and Muddy Day Activities Ideas
New Student Evaluation Lesson:
For potential students that have taken lessons or
have ridden more than a year.
Evaluation lessons cost $75.00 cash and can run as
long as 3 hours. We will be going over English and Western riding,
horsemanship and academics to find where to place you in our levels.
Or you may wish not to do a evaluation lesson and go
through the levels starting with level 1. Remember you can go through
the levels as quickly or as slowly as you need to.
Semesters (Home school students only):
Fall Semester starts September through January, 5 months (22 weeks)
Spring Semester starts February through May, 4 months (17 weeks)
Summer Semester starts June through August, 4 months (13 weeks)
Method of Evaluation (Home school students only):
Per Semester
25% Laboratory
25% Level
exams, grades 4th - 8th grade one exam, 9th-12th
grade two exams.
Students that have disabilities will not be subject to this
method of evaluation.
If you need a letter grade please
notify Sarah Hill 3 weeks before the semester ends.
Instructional Methods:
Small group lab work, independent
study, oral and/or written tests, reading, vocabulary, lectures, study
guides, weekly oral quizzes and weekly worksheets.
This course is designed for the student interested in
learning about horses, understanding the modern day industry, and “hands
on” equine experience. Levels of instruction include: grooming tools,
colors, markings, breeds, vocabulary, safety rules, feeding, care,
anatomy, tack, natural gaits, natural and artificial aids, leg aids,
health, equine etiquette, equine history and first aid.
Riding Academy is
proud to offer this unique equine science levels program to its
students. This program was developed in 1994 for The Riding Academy by
Sarah Hill and is updated every January. The goal of this program is to
combine Laboratory (“hands on”) and Equine Science to create a complete
education. Students progress at their own pace with the focus on
developing a solid foundation, both physical and academic. Students will
attain practical experience working with horses. Prerequisite- students
must be 9 years old and older
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